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منتدى دراسي

يرجى من الاعضاء ان ارادوا تحميل اي ملف يرجى رفعه من 4 شيرد
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    The number of cars and accidents in the UAE

    بني ياسي
    بني ياسي
    عضو فعال

    الابراج : الدلو عدد المساهمات : 86
    نقاط : 222
    السٌّمعَة : 7
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/03/2010
    العمر : 28
    الموقع : ابو ظبي - بني ياس

    The number of cars and accidents in the UAE Empty The number of cars and accidents in the UAE

    مُساهمة  بني ياسي السبت مايو 22, 2010 3:32 pm

    To our British friends like to offer you this subject in English

    A total of 14 thousand a distress call, during the past year. Including the 6064 call traffic by 43% and 7910 calls for non-traffic, thus giving death and injury of 15 443 people.

    What are the main causes of such incidents?

    - Is car specification is not consistent with the conditions and the nature and topography of our country?
    - Is it the speed is the reason?
    - Do not apply the rules and etiquette traffic reason?
    - Is it lack of awareness of drivers?
    - Is it the nature and emotions .......... drivers, especially young people?
    - Do video games (Video Games) effect on the behavior of some drivers of youth?
    - Is Driving Schools in traffic in turn, raise awareness and educate drivers?
    - Is it not to apply the system to all traffic offenses and a violation Aguetsaarham speed only?
    - Is it a password is poised to be a good example to the rest of the drivers?
    - Why do not you write a book on etiquette and rules of the road? And teaches at the driving schools and applies to all drivers.

    The statistics confirmed that in 2006 the total number of deaths and road accidents in the state 875 people dead, and the number who were seriously injured 883 injured, and the number of injured an average of 3 thousand and 917 injured, while the total number injured simple 5 thousand and 876 injured.

    Statistics show that over the years from 2000 to 2006, the total deaths from traffic accidents in the State 4 thousand and 803 deaths, the total severe injuries 5 thousand and 725 injured, and total injuries medium at 26 thousand and 567 wounded, while the total minor injuries 36 thousand and 147 injured.

    The statistics showed that of the nationalities of those killed in traffic accidents in 2006 was 187 citizens of the state by 21 per cent, and 28 of the GCC nationals to 3.2 per cent and 109 dead people from Arab countries increased by 12,5 per cent, and 489 deceased children of Asian States 56 per cent, and 62 of the children of other countries by 7.3 per cent.
    According to statistics, the most important reasons that lead to road accidents the state is a non-compliance with the rules of law and lack of attention while driving and walking speed exceeded the maximum allowed.

    And had reached a study by the National Institute of the American Health, titled "Do not drive the car before the age of 25 to the region in the brain that prevent acts reckless will be completed only at the age of 25 years, the study emphasized that most car accidents due to recklessness of sitting behind the wheel leadership and are often young people who have not attained the age of 25 years. the result reached by the study will have serious effects on some aspects, including the laws of driving.

    For his part, said Jay Guides psychiatrist for children, who led the research team, which was announced results of last April: "We believe that man up to a maximum degree of maturity physically, mentally at the age of 18 years which makes young adulthood stages dangerous it is supposed to be this is the stage of maturity and completion, but in reality is something that has raised our surprise and our curiosity and we thought in the work of research on this topic.

    In the same context emerged parallel studies to find out the real reasons for the huge volume of incidents concerning the use of mobile phones by young people under the age of 18 years while driving. It will be the results of the research role in expanding the scope of leadership training prior to practice and restrict the number of passengers and the use of mobile phones by young people while driving at a time when the new procedures much support because of the alarming shown by car accidents, and the study conducted by Temple University showed that young people do things which a great risk when they feel that their friends are watching what they do.

    In turn, the study confirms that young people's capacity to judge things properly be much affected by mental dispersion which occurs from mobile phones, therefore, these incidents can be reduced as much as possible. I, too, that researchers are welcome to testify and present the results of their research during the discussion of draft laws to be taken is necessary to protect life.

    According to estimates and statistics of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the percentage of car accidents among young people to incidents carried out by 1-4 and the number of adults who die young because of accidents three times the number of dying adults.

    The study by the Institute of Mental Health that the so-called community mental age of maturity can be achieved only when they reach 25 years old. And the women get to this stage at the age of 23 years, but this period varies from person to person and the reason behind it is not known and may be education or the quality of food or video games or music or medicine or parents or sleep. The current study included an X-ray imaging of the brain MRI every two years to two thousand people between the age of twenty-six years old.



    As well there are other victims are from the group of children who come in second place after the youth, in a recent study also showed results in which the proportion of child injuries in traffic accidents 20% of the total traffic accidents registered, the study attributed the frequent exposure of children inside the car, and the absence of safety equipment of children in the car, such as safety belt or install seats for children under the age of five years, the study emphasized the importance of including awareness programs traffic awareness the importance of using seat belts, seats and installation of children in the study shows that victims of car accidents who were not wearing belts security are more likely to die compared with users even if the belts were taken to the hospital alive. The researchers found that among the some 24 thousand patients, a result of accidents who arrive at emergency rooms in hospitals, the persons who were not wearing a safety belt during a collision more likely to die in the hospital about three-fold from the others.

    In addition, the researchers found that the drivers and the passengers who were not wearing seat belts more than about three times compared to users of belts when allowed to enter the hospital for further treatment. It was possible to deal with about 20 per cent of patients who were not wearing seatbelts in the vehicle.

    In Saudi Arabia, for example, is a year not less than quarter of a million traffic accident, kills more than four thousand and death "only to die at the scene," and about thirty thousand injured among those who go out to disabled permanently remain with them throughout life, and numbering two thousand people a year. And a third of hospital beds occupied by Bmassabi accidents.

    If we consider those who die during treatment can be said that there are people every hour and about four injured. According to very conservative estimates that the losses of accidents up to about seven billion dollars per annum and other estimates raise the figure to 21 billion riyals, or in the form of an annual loss of 4% of gross national product

    Best regards brother:بني ياسي
    بني ياسي
    بني ياسي
    عضو فعال

    الابراج : الدلو عدد المساهمات : 86
    نقاط : 222
    السٌّمعَة : 7
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/03/2010
    العمر : 28
    الموقع : ابو ظبي - بني ياس

    The number of cars and accidents in the UAE Empty The number of cars in the United Arab Emirates

    مُساهمة  بني ياسي السبت مايو 22, 2010 3:40 pm

    Sorry! I forgot to tell you the number of cars in the United Arab Emirates

    The number of cars on the roads Arab Emirates by 10%, according to the report issued by the Ministry of Planning in United Arab Emirates and this increases the population growth estimated at 7.6%, and the number of vehicles to total more than 820 000 vehicles, equivalent to one car per four people and half of the currently registered in the United Arab Emirates.

    Please accept my best regards from your brother: بني ياسي

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 10:20 pm